Eternal Threads feels like a standalone piece, but I’d love to see Cosmonaut Studios nab the Quantum Leap license and do something similarly centred on the most interesting part of time-travel: the people you encounter.We had the pleasure of previewing Eternal Threads, the latest title from Cosmonaut Studios, and today we want to tell you about it in our PC review It galvanises your resolve though, moving you along the timeline in search of the next key moment. The brief appearances of each of the characters in the Visualiser’s ghostly holographic display can be both reassuring and discouraging, especially when you haven’t yet found a solution to their survival. Wandering the burnt, abandoned halls of the shared house with the soundtrack of rain outside and the steady beat of your own breath escaping from a gas mask, makes for an often-claustrophobic experience. There’s a haunting, voyeuristic undertone to Eternal Threads. The fact that it’s presented in such an intriguing manner, and with such excellent production values, is what makes it enjoyable. While there’s elements of deduction, this is much more of a narrative piece than it is a puzzler, with the beating heart of the game focussed more on putting together a complete picture of these people’s lives than it is so much about saving them. That is, to some extent, Eternal Threads main failing. You can quickly alter these decisions once they’ve played out the first time, letting you put the finishing touches to the puzzle a little more easily. You can check these potential influences out to see if they connect up in the way you’re hoping, opening up all sorts of butterfly effect and multiverse-related questions. However, if you change something truly meaningful it opens up new possibilities, influencing other events on the timeline. Move along the timeline, alter decisions, wonder if they’re going to work out. Things seem pretty straightforward at first. Rummaging through these items is both mundane and intriguing through them Eternal Threads does a fantastic job of investing you in the characters’ lives. There are other found items – letters, phones, postcards, paraphernalia – that further broaden your understanding. The voice acting is excellent, and through their conversations you start to build a picture of what brought them to this place and what makes them tick. They’re all living in rented rooms in Tom’s spacious house, bringing together an occasionally awkward range of personalities. Your six charges are Tom, Raquel, Linda, Neil, Jenny and Ben. You can approach this in whichever order you wish, with the timeline displaying which characters no longer die in this version of events.

This also includes the Visualiser, a device that allows you to see those past events, and you can choose where on the timeline you want to drop in.

You’re sent back in time with the equipment needed to view the past, setting up a series of holographic repeaters around the fire damaged house. This, to my mind, makes it basically redundant, but the option is there. In a game about time travel, and the importance of these events, it’s a little amusing that you can opt to miss some of them out, and the Abridged mode won’t let you achieve the best result. This offers an easier, quick-to-play version of the story, reducing things down to 121 events and 37 decisions.
You can play the game in Normal mode with a full set of 197 events, 54 key decisions, and a host of different endings, or the time-poor player can opt for the Abridged mode. You’ve got a choice to make right at the outset.